Sunday, 6 July 2014

New video from Numatica, and Art Nite featuring Arcane Trickster

Numatica has completed his first film clip, to celebrate the launch of his new album "1 X 1 =3".

We are proud to present "Evolver Dub" we think its pretty cool.

The launch for the album is this Saturday, a matinee show at the Purple Emerald, 349 High Street, Northcote, with supports from Deep Fried Dub, Invader Tron, Arcane Trickster, Garagee, Robodop Snei & Stickleback. Visual by Clouds Above Chaos.

On July 23rd Melbourne comes alive for NiteArt at art sites across the city – commercial galleries, artist–run spaces, museums and unexpected architectural spaces for mini-events, off-site exhibitions, artist talks and installations

It all finishes at the Ian Potter Gallery, 800 Swanston Street, Melbourne with the Basil Sellers Art Prize 4 soundtracked by Tempest's very own DJ Arcane Trickster, open until 12.00 midnight. Entry is Free.